Strategic planning workshop

This program will introduce a two power planning methodologies, Strategic Planning and Scenario Planning. Strategic planning engages you to create an operational planning document to guide Ministry / Department employees and improve the executive team’s ability to identify, prioritise, assign opportunities, and contribute to your Ministry / Department’s improved performance building on high impact alternatives. Scenario planning stirs consideration for alternative futures and prepare a successful response plan no matter the situation, through deep dialogue provoked by different scenarios. Generating new insights about a Ministry/ Department and its possible futures by preparing contributors to notice and consider emerging ideas before others even perceive any change.

Request for proposal

Prepare you to see and act on the future – near term (strategic planning) and long term (scenario planning)
Make better decision
Build better support for decision to assure successful implementation
Build teams ability to handle conflict and change
Accelerate Ministry / Department improvement and innovation initiatives
Turn good thinking into a significant competitive advantage

Request for proposal


Combination of lecture, with practical/hands on approach such as role plays, case studies, presentation, commentary on other companies/industries, and/or video.

Who should attend

Managers & Executives
Senior management

Request for proposal

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Facilitating Customer Delight through Professionalism in Human Capital Development

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Quality Input Resources Sdn. Bhd.
Contact person: Shahrukh Moghal
M: +60123278240